No paradise for the Gili Island ponies

Cidomo, pony cart, Gili island, horse abuse
Cidomo pony carts on the narrow streets of Gili islands.

The mass expansion of tourism on the motorless Gili Islands, Lombok is giving local ponies a hard time.

Recently I spent a few days on the Gili islands during a lengthy trip visiting Lombok island and it was fascinating to see the ponies and brightly coloured carts locally known as the “Cidomo”. They are literally the workhorses of the islands which have no motorised transport, although electric-powered scooters are now making their presence known. All supplies for the islands arrive by boat and almost everything is then transported to their final destination by the “Cidomo’, including the tourist hordes who are laden down with their luggage.

Pony cart, Overloading, horse cruelty, Cidomo
A pony taking the strain of heavy cement sacks destined to build more guest houses.

There are many social media and internet sites set up by tourists who have visited the islands decrying the way these ponies are cared for, but ironically in the case of the Gilis it is the pressures of increasing tourism which is causing many of the problems. I have read posts by horse lovers who on one hand hypocritically condemn their use but still cannot resist using them.Most if not all the ponies are in good bodily condition, but it is the way they are driven and loaded which is unsatisfactory. Some of the problems are the result of lack of knowledge and education of the owners and drivers.

The need for evermore guest houses and hotels is one main cause of their overloading with cement, roofing and other building materials and also supplies to keep the tourists happy and healthy such as bottled water and beer. The building spree is also taking away grazing and exercise land for them.

Another problem is the unnecessary overloading by the tourists themselves by their insistence of squeezing four people into a cart with their baggage to save money and by agreeing to pay outlandish fees which only encourages more Cidomos over to be brought to the islands as owners and drivers see this trade as easy money from gullible tourists.

Overloaded pony cart, Cidomo, Gili islands, Lombok, Indonesia
Roofing material destined for new tourist guest houses. The demand causes more hardship for the ponies. Credit: Deborah Jacob

A third issue is the young immature drivers using them to race round at high-speed along the narrow, rutted island streets and tracks, often with the misguided encouragement of the tourists treating it like an adventure theme ride. This becomes a danger to tourists wandering the streets and no doubt must cause the occasional accident. In fact, the driver’s haste is to get back for another fare before the new arrivals do the sensible thing and walk the short distance to their hotel. Most hotels are within walking distance.

The Gilis are a typical example of how tourists visiting an increasingly overloaded tourist destination can inadvertently encourage the abuse of local animals through ignorance of animal welfare issues. In this case it is the lazy tourist who on arrival by ferry at the harbour find lines of cute Cidomos and mistakenly want to take part in what they believe is a bit of local tradition. The more lazy among us also find it easier in the heat to make use of them instead of walking.  It is possible to alleviated the situation by only using the carts to carry their bags and walking beside it, but few think of this.

Hores abuse, pony, Gili Islandss
A Gili pony having a well earned bath at the end of a hard day with its young driver. Credit: Dan Mills

The Gili island cidomos were not put there as a tourist attraction but are a traditional local form of transport that have been in use by the local Sisak people thoughout recent history and are still widely used all over Lombok and other islands providing a taxi service for many of the poverty-stricken residents. Compared with the ponies on the Gilis these are the ones that are really suffering and where the focus for concern is required.

Many local residents rely on this cheap form of taxi service on Lombok.

The Gili ponies are not as bad off as those on Lombok and other islands which most tourist either do not see or take notice of. We had the time and inclination to visit the suburbs, communities and markets of Mataram the capital of Lombok interacting with the local people, where it was obvious that there was a great need for the use of Cidomos, which suffer greatly from overloading, the dangers of heavy traffic and poor husbandry. They offer cheap vital transport for poorer people and suffer far greater hardships than those on the Gilis.

Cidomo, suffering of ponies,
A Cidomo on the streets of Mataram, the capital of Lombok, struggling through busy traffic with local residents returning from the market. Many people cannot afford taxis and so Cidomos are a lifeline.

There are many campaigns and social media reports of the cruel treatment of Gili ponies, some of which is well-founded but much of it is overstated and out of context. Rarely do you hear about the plight of those on mainland Lombok who are in more urgent need of help. There are charities and organisations attempting to ease some of the hardships which are worth supporting, but tourists also have a responsibility to lessen their load by not using them out of laziness or for photo opportunities.

When we arrived on the Gilis we struggled the 800 yards on foot to our guest house in the heat, while others zipped by on the Cidomos and yes it was a struggle, but our consciences were clear.

A tribute to the faithful war horses and their human comrades.

It is obvious from official war diaries that the men depended on the war horses as much as the horses depended on them.

My grandfather Edwin Clark was a ‘Driver‘ in the Canadian Field Artillery who sat on one of the six horses pulling the 18-pounder field guns and was responsible for looking their welfare. It was dangerous work as he and the horses had to pull the guns into the front line, unharness them and then take them back to relative safety a 1,000 yards to the rear where he looked after all their needs under shell fire.

Despite all that the soldiers were going through the war horses were obviously loved and treated as comrades

He served in the same unit, the 4th. Division, 13th. Battery CFA throughout the war and the original War Diaries written up each evening by an officer of his Battery gave incredible descriptions and insights into the battles, the shelling, the casualties they suffered, the long marches and the conditions under which they fought.

What soon jumped out of the pages and gladdened me was that not only did they write about the state of the men and what they endured, but the diaries constantly mentioned their beloved horses and how they were suffering. It was obvious from the writings that it was generally believed by the men that they depended on the horses as much as the horses depended on them. They were in it together and just as the horses and mules did their utmost to help the troops the men reciprocated by doing all they could to ease their hardships. It is well known that the men formed strong bonds with their equine comrades.

Horses and mules were treated with affection

First World War mule and her handler.
“She is very stupid but I love her” – a soldier wrote this on the back of the photograph. Credit: National Museum of Scotland.

More horses and mules died of disease and exposure than from battle injuries and often it must have been impossible to give them adequate care. This is borne out by an officer who had to censor letters before they were sent, described how the men wrote home to their wives, girlfriends and mothers and gave examples of the care they took:

“Drivers often almost wept as they wrote of their faithful friends – the horses – wishing so much that they could be given more feed and better shelter. Such care and attention they gave these dumb animals. When nothing else was available an old sock was used to rub them down or to bandage a cracked heel, while breast collar and girth galls were eased by wrapping light articles around the harness to keep it from rubbing against the sore spot.”

It would seem that the men often ignored orders when it was detrimental to the horses’ welfare and on one occasion it is noted that following a long train journey the horses were unloaded and the drivers were ordered not to water them as there wasn’t time before a long march to the front. They ignored the order and watered and fed them anyway.

War horse, First world war, horse suffering
Soldiers were keen to do as much as they could for their horses’ welfare under terrible conditions. Credit Imperial War Museum.

Even the generals seemed to have affection and concern for them and found time to bring some humaneness among the horrors as hinted at in this extract about a General visiting the front in mid-winter:

“Our horses are in bad shape, but we are up to strength in guns. General Panet visited the Battery on the 11th. in the snow and saw horses wallowing in deep mud and immediately ordered them back to the lines declaring they were not to do more work for a few days”.

Even when issuing written orders thought was always given to ways of lessening the load and hardship of the horses and mules:

“There is a long march before any halt. It will therefore be necessary for Officers commanding batteries to pay the most scrupulous attention to every detail in connection with their horses. Riding on vehicles will be systemised [take turns] and the numbers riding thereon kept as low as possible. Guns and ammunition wagons are not to be loaded with unauthorised articles and throughout the march the condition of the horses must be ever in mind.”

War horse treated for wounds

It was common practice to bomb the areas where the horses were kept

One officer lamented in the War Diary that “the road to the wagon lines is strewn with dead horses” and the the snowy and cold weather was having an effect on the horses”.  An insight into the terror caused to the horses is aptly described in this extract:

“the duty of the ‘stable pickets’ was an unenviable one, especially at night, when horse lines were being bombed or shelled. Quite apart from the danger of the explosions, there was always the chance of the picket ropes breaking and the horses stampeding. Horses frequently fought and kicked, becoming entangled in ropes and had to be followed and caught in the darkness”.

It was common practice to bomb the areas where the horses were kept as both sides realised the vital importance of them and my grandfather was badly wounded in such an attack. His 13th. Battery had just set up wagon-lines a few miles from the town of Raillencourt and were feeding the horses when the pilot of a plane literally dropped a load of bombs right onto the horses and men killing one driver and wounding nine other men including Edwin as well as wounding and killing many horses.

The scene was described as “chaotic with shrieks from both men and horses” particularly as the bombs had been a newly invented stick bomb that exploded a few inches from the ground throwing splinters of shrapnel all around. The shrapnel hit my grandfather in the upper thigh and he was taken back to England by ship for a month’s stay in hospital and luckily he didn’t have to return as the war ended.

War horse, war horse cruelty
More horses and mules died from disease, exhaustion and exposure than from enemy action.

For all the bad news it would appear that Christmas 1917 was a far happier time for the war horses in my grandfather’s Battery:

“The weather became colder and a light blanket of snow covered the ground. For the first time proper shelters were built for the horses, standings being laid with brick and soft stone from the ruins nearby, while iron sheeting was to serve as roofing and walls. Our horses soon showed the benefit of these precautions and by the constant care, losses and disease throughout the winter were practically nil”.

It is impossible for me to visualise or comprehend the carnage and horrors my grandfather must have witnessed to both humans and horses as it is the stuff of nightmares, but I like to think that my grandfather was a humane man and did all that he could to ease the suffering of the horses in his care. I also like to think that it was possibly  through him that I developed my soft spot for horses.

I wrote a book In remembrance of all the horses and men who suffered or perished in the Great War. orer a copy now:

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